Peluang Bekerja Sambilan Di Rumah

Peluang Bekerja Sambilan Di Rumah

Terima bayaran upah yang sangat lumayan & peluang untuk bekerja dengan syarikat - syarikat berasaskan internet dari seluruh pelusuk dunia sebagai pekerja bebas (freelance) dari rumah.

Antara Bidang - Bidang Pekerjaan:
Bertanggung-jawab membantu mengumpul maklumat dari internet, memasukan maklumat ke dalam sistem, membuat kajian maklumat yang di kumpul, menyediakan laporan & kerja - kerja am berkaitan.

Syarat - Syarat Kelayakan:
- Tahu mengunakan komputer & internet
- Microsoft Office (Words & Excel)
- Mesti boleh menulis, membaca & faham B.Inggeris***
- Mempunyai Komputer/Laptop
- Ada akses ke talian internet
- Berumur 18 tahun keatas

Lain - lain kelayakan:
- Mampu bekerja tanpa pengawasan
- Berupaya mengikuti arahan
- Bersedia untuk kerja keras
- Berfikiran positif & terbuka
- Bermotivasi & mahu belajar
- Bukan seorang pemalas
- Punya disiplin diri yang tinggi

Maklumat lanjut di sini -->


Illogan School Crossing Patrol

Apologies for not blogging much recently - I am in the throes of moving house at the moment (deeper into Illogan :-) ) and so I am dreaming about boxes and putting stuff in them!

I have been working with a group of Illogan residents recently to try and get a School Crossing Patrol put in place at 'the Platt' in Illogan.

The Platt is a conjunction of 5 roads and for parents who wish to take advantage of the walk through Manningham Wood down into school it is a hazardous place.

Quite often there are cars parked close to the junctions which, when added to busy traffic and a lack of footpaths, makes it very hard to cross the road for parents with puschairs and primary school age children in tow.

At the meeting of Illogan Parish Council on Wednesday we got a unanimous vote in favour of supporting the action group and we have received initial suppport from Illogan School.

We will be taking the campaign to Cornwall Council next - hopefully we may get a patrol in place for the new academic year.

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