Peluang Bekerja Sambilan Di Rumah

Peluang Bekerja Sambilan Di Rumah

Terima bayaran upah yang sangat lumayan & peluang untuk bekerja dengan syarikat - syarikat berasaskan internet dari seluruh pelusuk dunia sebagai pekerja bebas (freelance) dari rumah.

Antara Bidang - Bidang Pekerjaan:
Bertanggung-jawab membantu mengumpul maklumat dari internet, memasukan maklumat ke dalam sistem, membuat kajian maklumat yang di kumpul, menyediakan laporan & kerja - kerja am berkaitan.

Syarat - Syarat Kelayakan:
- Tahu mengunakan komputer & internet
- Microsoft Office (Words & Excel)
- Mesti boleh menulis, membaca & faham B.Inggeris***
- Mempunyai Komputer/Laptop
- Ada akses ke talian internet
- Berumur 18 tahun keatas

Lain - lain kelayakan:
- Mampu bekerja tanpa pengawasan
- Berupaya mengikuti arahan
- Bersedia untuk kerja keras
- Berfikiran positif & terbuka
- Bermotivasi & mahu belajar
- Bukan seorang pemalas
- Punya disiplin diri yang tinggi

Maklumat lanjut di sini -->


People Power!

Well done to the residents of the Penwrtha estate in Illogan!

Anyone who has visited the area will know that the open areas are kept immaculately maintained. The grass is cut, cuttings picked up and taken away, hedges trimmed and borders kept tidy. Quite simply it is a pleasure to visit and must be great to live there.

Recently Coastline wanted to replace the contractor who does such a good job and reduce their costs by replacing him with a bigger outfit. Residents knew the value of the service that they were getting as compared with simply haggling about the cost. They have campaigned to make sure that their groundsman is kept in place - even though this means they may pay a little more for the service. For once, ordinary people have taken on anonymous bureacracy and won.

This, for me, is a triumph for community over establishment profiteering. If more people in society were prepared to follow their example and stand up for the good of the community then the world would be a much better place. Well done Penwartha!

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