Peluang Bekerja Sambilan Di Rumah

Peluang Bekerja Sambilan Di Rumah

Terima bayaran upah yang sangat lumayan & peluang untuk bekerja dengan syarikat - syarikat berasaskan internet dari seluruh pelusuk dunia sebagai pekerja bebas (freelance) dari rumah.

Antara Bidang - Bidang Pekerjaan:
Bertanggung-jawab membantu mengumpul maklumat dari internet, memasukan maklumat ke dalam sistem, membuat kajian maklumat yang di kumpul, menyediakan laporan & kerja - kerja am berkaitan.

Syarat - Syarat Kelayakan:
- Tahu mengunakan komputer & internet
- Microsoft Office (Words & Excel)
- Mesti boleh menulis, membaca & faham B.Inggeris***
- Mempunyai Komputer/Laptop
- Ada akses ke talian internet
- Berumur 18 tahun keatas

Lain - lain kelayakan:
- Mampu bekerja tanpa pengawasan
- Berupaya mengikuti arahan
- Bersedia untuk kerja keras
- Berfikiran positif & terbuka
- Bermotivasi & mahu belajar
- Bukan seorang pemalas
- Punya disiplin diri yang tinggi

Maklumat lanjut di sini -->


Better Together?

David Cameron has been advocating that the only certain way for Scotland to remain part of the EU after the referendum on independence is to say NO.

Yet we are told the Conservative party is the only one that will deliver an in/out refrendum to leave the EU.

Does anyone else feel that this really is party politics at its worse? Trying to scare Scottish voters on one hand and desperately attempting to survive the UKIP tsunami on the other. Where is his principle - the belief that a particular course of action is best for the people he purports to lead.

How does he square the circle?

If his party are pushed and pulled by UKIP into taking us out of the EU shouldn't he now encourage voters in Scotland to vote YES if they want to stay in Europe - the SNP are far more committed to this than any government he is likely to head up.

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