Peluang Bekerja Sambilan Di Rumah

Peluang Bekerja Sambilan Di Rumah

Terima bayaran upah yang sangat lumayan & peluang untuk bekerja dengan syarikat - syarikat berasaskan internet dari seluruh pelusuk dunia sebagai pekerja bebas (freelance) dari rumah.

Antara Bidang - Bidang Pekerjaan:
Bertanggung-jawab membantu mengumpul maklumat dari internet, memasukan maklumat ke dalam sistem, membuat kajian maklumat yang di kumpul, menyediakan laporan & kerja - kerja am berkaitan.

Syarat - Syarat Kelayakan:
- Tahu mengunakan komputer & internet
- Microsoft Office (Words & Excel)
- Mesti boleh menulis, membaca & faham B.Inggeris***
- Mempunyai Komputer/Laptop
- Ada akses ke talian internet
- Berumur 18 tahun keatas

Lain - lain kelayakan:
- Mampu bekerja tanpa pengawasan
- Berupaya mengikuti arahan
- Bersedia untuk kerja keras
- Berfikiran positif & terbuka
- Bermotivasi & mahu belajar
- Bukan seorang pemalas
- Punya disiplin diri yang tinggi

Maklumat lanjut di sini -->


First Day of Term

This evening was the Illogan Annual Parish Meeting and the first meeting of the new Illogan Parish Council.

The Annual meeting was over in 15 minutes, unfortunately with no public participation.

The main business of the council meeting was sorting out the various committees and membership of them.

The main difference to the previous council was that we decided to create a 'Devolution Committe'. We have formed a committee which will have a specific responsibilty to deal with opportunities for devolution of assets and services from Cornwall Council.

The new council has started on a very positive note. All the councillors are serving on at least one committee and as a group we are detremined to make the best of any opportunity that presents itself to us.

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